Saturday 14 June 2008

Taking in a homeless cat

  1. Hey
A long story, but I took in a mothercat that had just given birth to 5 kittens. Now bear in mind that I already have 7 cats and 3 dogs, and live in a small house, I cannot keep these.
background info:
telephone call from mother, a cat had given birth in her greenhouse, what to do.
Call me.

So, i borrowed a trap, went along, did a survey of the situation (oh yeah!) and laid the trap int he greenhouse . waited hours, mother cat had disappeared, kittens were just a day old, oh how tiny :)

Set upthe trap and waited, nothing. Mothercat did not return. OK so 9pm call it a night, pack up trap, and bits and pieces, call it a night, tired, hungry, and wondering what the f**k we're gonna do.

Next day:

i said i'd call at mothers to assess the situation, and re-evaluate. My mother was not there( had prior commitments- prob just as well), let myself in, pacified her dogs, and went to greenhouse. Set the trap. looked where they were the previous day and voila! mothercat ran out and straight into the trap! easy peasy- I know I shouldn't gloat- wish they were all this easy- but this time hey I'm a hero!. She's spitting and hissing, scratched my finger, but of course , since i'm such a hero, i feel nothing, prob adrenalin had kicked in! Put her in the trap in the car. Go back to kittens and pick them up one by one, OMG they're tiny, and could be anything,not just mini cats! put them in a basket and go home. Now the fun begins.

My back bedroom (a spare? i don't think so!), has been set up for mothercat and her kittens.

to cut a long story short, the next 3/4 weeks are filled with, oh my, I'll have to post later because i so desperately want to get these pics up!

lets just say tonight I went into the room to find a lot of little, little bodies all over the place, mother an kittens doing well, and kittens growing daily. actually I ran back out to get my camera, so not as many kitties in photo as I saw!

You can almost hear her say run for cover!

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